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Here's what you get:
A deep understanding of resistance and how to use it to make more sales.
PDF and Kindle version of the book Friction Free Sales and Marketing so you can reference it anywhere.
Actionable worksheets to put the 19 resistance busting strategies in place.
Two exclusive interviews to get you quickly started.
And more…
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You may think you’ve read all you need to know about sales and marketing, but Matt covers the most basic, fundamental part of it that most people forget, and causes them to lose money over and over again. Deep psychological insight and examples that propel you into action is what sets this book apart from the pack–and if you want to stay ahead, get your hands on it as quickly as you can.

There’s nothing sneaky, underhanded or unethical about what you wrote here. You simply helps the reader understand and neutralize the resistance that often keeps people from acting in their own best interests.” – Donnie Bryant Jr.
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